Notice of AGM 2023

Ranginui No 12 Trust – Notice of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2023


Notice is hereby given that the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Ranginui No 12 Trust will be held on Saturday 7th October 2023, 10am at Mercury Baypark, 81 Truman Lane, Mount Maunganui.

The agenda for the Annual General Meeting is as follows:

1.      Apologies

2.      Confirmation of Previous Years Minutes

3.      Chair’s Report

4.      Receive and Adopt the Financial Reports

5.      Variations to Trust Order

6.      Trustee Elections:  For two positions caused by the retirement by rotation of Paula Werohia, who is not offering herself for re-election and Wakata Kingi who being eligible offers herself for re-election.

Note 1) Enclosed is a nomination form if you wish to nominate another person to be considered for election at the annual general meeting on 7th October 2023.

          Note 2) Nomination forms must be lodged at the trust office no later than 10:00am,       Wednesday 27th September 2023.  Additionally, we request you to provide a photo and            a brief bio with your nomination.

7.      General Business

Should an election be required, candidate profiles will feature in the AGM booklet accessible to shareholders upon request or through our website. Proxy forms can also be obtained from

our website,  or upon request. Kindly be aware that proxy submissions must reach the Trust Secretary by 10:00am on Friday, October 6th, 2023.


Shareholders will be asked to resolve that they support the proposed variations to the Trust Order as set out in the consultation documents and as discussed with beneficial owners at the special general meeting held 8 July 2023 and the recorded consultation webinar held 29 July 2023.


A summary of the proposed variations to the Trust Order is available on our website at or on request from the trustees at (07) 572 5955 or via email at


For any further information or inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact the Trust Secretary, Ebony Haraki, at (07) 572 5955 or via email at

Ngā mihi nui,


Neil Te Kani




Annual Report 23


Succession Made Easier: